Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Photo Card

Merry Tree Memories Christmas
Turn your favorite photos into personalized Christmas cards.
View the entire collection of cards.


  1. I ordered our Christmas cards today and by posting the card to our blog I will receive a $10 gift certificate for future orders! Sweet!

    Don't you love the old picture of the kiddos? These were from the year Leigh was born 1987. She was 11 months and Ty was 3. I can't believe how time flies!

  2. Cute Christmas card! I love that it's like a walk through time.

    It just struck me yesterday that I haven't given a single thought to our yearly Christmas card. I need to get moving!

  3. I need to get busy with my cards. I know this time of year comes around at the same time each year but I'm never ready. Go figure.


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