Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Super Easy Fall Wreath

Leigh and I ran over to Michael's on Sunday and left the boys at home to watch football and do laundry! LOL!  Sounds like a fair trade to me!

While we were there, she said that she would really like to have a wreath similar to the Spider Wreath we made for Halloween, only for Fall.

Here's what we came up with -

$ Store, Dollar Store, Pool Noodle, Burlap

This wreath took all of about 30 minutes to put together and that 
includes cutting the burlap strips! 


Here's what you need to make your own - 

1. $ Store Pool Noodle
2.  Duct Tape
3.  1/2 yard of burlap cut into 3" strips
4.  Natural vine for decoration (got this for 80% off at Michaels !!)
5.  Bow
6.  Floral Wire/Hot Glue Gun

Step 1 - determine size of wreath, cut pool noodle if necessary (you can use scissors) and join ends with duct tape.

Step 2 - Hot glue strips around wreath

Step 3 - Hot glue vine onto top of wreath

Step 4 - Make Bow and wire onto vine

Step 5 - Add small wire loop to the back for hanging

And that's it!  Here's a view from the top so you can see the strips of burlap - 

$ Store, Dollar Store, Pool Noodle, Burlap

I really love the rustic simplicity and also the cheap factor!  Gotta Love the $ Store!!!

$ Store, Dollar Store, Pool Noodle, Burlap

I had to steal one of the pool noodles that we were using this summer to make this wreath! Oh, well, I figure that I can make 3 more wreaths by the time they start selling the noodles again at the dollar store.

2 weeks until Thanksgiving!! I have to get all the Halloween decorations down or else it's going to be a Halloweenie Thanksgiving in Crosby!!!


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  1. This is the first FALL pool noodle wreath I have seen! I just love how rustic and earthy it looks! I never would have guessed it was a pool noodle under there. So pretty!


  2. wow..very cool, I too would never have guessed there was a noodle under that. But great for sticking things in. Going to have to try this as my house is filled at Christmas with wreaths. Newest follower from Ontario!

  3. Amazing, I never would have thought to use a pool noodle! Sturdy and light weight! Thanks for linking up on Super Sweet Saturday.


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