Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Gazebo Pictures

Our subdivision homeowners association recently built a beautiful gazebo near the entrance to our subdivision and they have decorated it for Christmas.

It is so just gorgeous at night with the lights and I decided to stop by tonight and snap a few pictures with my Iphone.  I added some effects with PicMonkey and thought I would share them with you.

Look! It's SNOWING in CROSBY!! 

Just kidding! It was 82 degrees here today and we are running the A/C! 
Added the snow in PicMonkey - where else?

Here's a shot without all the special effects.  

Just in case you want to use it for your own PicMonkey Christmas Card!


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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Kat! I can't believe how pretty these pictures turned out!

  2. what a perfectly beautiful Christmas scene. love.

    Thank you so very much for joining us for An Aloha Affair last week. How sweet it was to end the month together.

    Our beautiful December team has gathered and we are so excited to invite you to join us for... An Aloha Affair. Come mingle and grow with us, you are always welcome. Always.


  3. Great picture. Love the snow effect. ;o)
    I just started to use pic monkey. Haven't done much with it yet

    1. Thanks Carla! PicMonkey is awesome and it's free! At least for now!


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