Saturday, September 7, 2013

Singing Skull for Halloween!

Ok, it's finally September and you know what that means - right? HALLOWEEN!  Leigh and I are so excited and are already working on our party plan for this year.

We walked in to Wally World this afternoon and found the coolest singing skull! I just fell in love with it and had to have it.  It was only $9.97 and they only had 2 so I just had to buy it. Really, I did!
Check out this video of him singing "I Ain't Got Nobody" - 


Isn't that just the cutest thing ever? I'm usually not a big fan of all those singing and dancing decorations, but this one just makes me smile! 

Singing Skull

He's motion activated and is going to be the hit of this year's Halloween Party!!!

Keep Calm and Halloween On!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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  1. Hi Leigh and Jeanette - I'm usually not a fan of those singing gimmicks either but this one is ADORABLE! Last year we had a hole in the ceiling of our guest bathroom right before the Halloween party so I hooked up one of those motion activated spiders to scare the folks as they um tinkled. I'm thinking I need to go find me one of these for the same effect this year LOL! Hugs, Holly

    1. Holly, I'm afraid I'm going to wear it out before Halloween! What a great idea for the we've got to go find another one! Wouldn't it be cool if you could rig something up so that it would go off when someone sat down! Ok, maybe that would just be mean, but it is for Halloween after all! Thanks so much for stopping by!


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