Sunday, June 24, 2012

Oven Roasted Garlic

First of all, let me tell you that I love garlic! Now, there's this place called Treehouse Restaurant and Pub in Atlanta that is fabulous and they used to make this balsamic-glazed roasted garlic that was served with toasted brioche. I loved it. And recently I saw a tutorial on roasting garlic on which reminded me of that garlic that I had so long ago. So, long story short, we decided to try it out.

We bought elephant garlic. Then chopped the top off of it. Put it in a ceramic, oven safe dish. Drizzled it with olive oil and a touch of balsamic vinegar (next time more vinegar!). Then we baked it for about an hour at 375. Now, if we had used regular garlic, it probably would have only taken 45 minutes. Then we took the garlic out and spread it onto toasted Italian bread. It spread like butta!

We had some leftover the next day and thought about adding cheese to it...mmm. Good idea, we thought. So, we bought the mix of parmesan, romano, and asiago cheeses and sprinkled it on top of the toasted bread after we spread the garlic on. Then we put it in the oven and broiled for 10 minutes to melt the cheese. Wow, we had a great idea. It was fabulous and super easy. A definite improvement on garlic bread for spaghetti night. Or any other night!

We hope that you love it as much as we did!


  1. yum yum, look how great that bread looks. I'm a new follower and would love if you stopped by and followed back at I Heart Pears

  2. Oh my goodness, my mouth is watering. I am going to need to do this, my family and I love garlic. Thanks for linking to the Our Favorite Things link party. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Karri! It is really great with cheese on it. We used DiGiorno Three Cheese blend and it was divine.

  3. That looks fabulous! I love garlic too and I always wondered how to do this.

    1. It is super easy and delicious! We had leftovers and kept them in the fridge. Then just heated it in the microwave, spread it on the bread, sprinkled it with cheese and broiled it until the cheese was melted. Making my mouth water just thinking about it.

      As a matter of fact, think we will have it again tonight!

  4. That looks really really good! How strong does the garlic flavor come across?

    1. Shiloh, the flavor is very sweet and mild. Baking it takes all the strong garlic flavor out. If you like garlic bread, you would love this! Thanks so much for stopping by and come back soon.

  5. Yummmmm that looks good. I've heard that oven roasted garlic is super yummy.. but I have never tried it.

    Thank you so very much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream to Reality! :)

  6. ***UPDATE***

    We made this again the other night, but we made it with regular garlic. Let me tell you this, it was not near as good as with elephant garlic. We both advise elephant garlic from now on!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Leigh and Jeanette


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