Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Kitchen

On our trip to Kirklands this weekend, I found a great little wire rack marked down to $3.97.  I've been looking for something to put on the pantry door and thought maybe I could use it there.

Got it home and decided it would be perfect to display some old recipe cards that I have. I hung it up with 3 clear Command adhesive hooks and strategically placed the cards to cover them.

There are cards from Tim's Great Grandma, Aunt & Mom, my Grandma & Mom and one from my wedding shower (almost 31 years ago!) that my friend Rhonda gave to me.  I added a little green wooden angel to the top of it and think it is perfect there.  Even my husband said it looked great!

Crafty In Crosby,

Crafty In Crosby,

I never realized until the past few years, how special these cards are.  Most are written in their own hand and one from Tim's Grandma was also from our wedding shower. She wrote "May you and Tim live a long and happy life Jeanette, Love, Grandma Bennie" on the back of it.   

I had forgotten about these until I pulled them out of the recipe box.  Very special treasured memories of the loving women in my family.

Here are few more random shots of our kitchen - notice how there's only one showing the counter tops?  That's because the kitchen is a mess!!!  Well, it is Thursday after all - who has a clean kitchen on Thursday night? 
Not this girl!

Crafty In Crosby,

This is a bible verse that I had printed on vinyl especially for the kitchen - 

A man hath no better thing under the sun than to eat, drink and be merry.....Ecclesiastes 8:15

I've surrounded the baker's rack with some vintage plates and metal trays with the State of Texas on them.  I bought one of the trays when we lived in Georgia and my Mom's cousin brought
 me the other one from North Carolina.

Crafty In Crosby,

Can you tell I like sayings and words??? Yet another picture with birds and words on it.....
Oh,well, at least it isn't cows again!!!

Someday soon I'll post pictures of the breakfast bar and counters.  When I get around to cleaning it up!!

Try me again in a month or two and maybe I'll have some!


  1. What a beautiful way to display your vintage recipes! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Angie xo

    1. Thanks Angie. The older I get, the more these kind of things mean to me. Thanks for dropping by!


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