Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy One Year Blogiversary - $25 Hobby Lobby Giftcard Giveaway

My how time flies when you're having fun! And we've had a ball this year on our our Blogging adventure!

To thank all of our FANTASTIC Followers we are giving away a $25 Giftcard to our favorite store -Hobby Lobby!

The contest will run from February 28th to March the 8th. We hope you will take a moment to enter and share this contest with your friends!  And don't forget to enter the iPad Mini Giveaway that we co-sponsored.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks so much for all your support and encouragement during our first year - it means the world to us!

We're on the Fence! Won't you take a minute and vote for us?


  1. Congrats on your blogiversary!! Hobby Lobby is my favorite store too!! If I won the gift card I would enjoy a fun afternoon browsing the store and leave with the goods for my next craft project :) thanks for hosting the giveaway!


  2. Hi I came by early but was in a hurry and didn't leave a comment. I loved your light redo! Isn't it amazing the transformations we can make! Thanks for sharing.
    And congrats on your anniversary. I am going to enter to win.
    Thanks for coming by tonight and seeing my quilt progress.
    Have a great Friday,

  3. I would look for something springy for the house. I love hobby lobby.

  4. I am starting to renovate and redecorate my master bedroom. Winning a great gift card would be helpful :)

    Great giveaway!
    Mandy Jean

  5. Congrats on the 1 year anniversary! I know how much work that is:) Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog. Can't wait to see what you do with the cabinet door you got!

  6. Happy Blogaversary! As my niece had a baby recently I would buy something to make as a gift; some fleece to make a hat and booties, a picture frame and some scrapbook stickers to decorate it.

  7. Happy 1st Blogiversary! With a Hobby Lobby gift certificate, I would purchase some organizing containers for my ever groowwingg supply of supplies!

  8. I'm a papercrafter so if I won the gift card I would buy card making supplies...stamps, paper, embellishments, adhesives. And since I am a thrifty papercrafter, I would wait until the supplies are on 50% off sale so I could get $50 worth of supplies with the gift card!

  9. I would love to buy scrapbook paper! I am trying to make DIY wall art for my baby due in August :)
    alaine74014 at gmail dot com

  10. Love Hobby Lobby! We are going on a road trip soon, so I would probably buy something fun for the kids to do in the car.

  11. I would buy some yarn! They have a great selection

  12. I would buy some scrapbooking items

    (d schmidt in widget)

  13. I would probably buy (more) spray paint, some canvases and vinyl! Or fabric!! So many choices!!

  14. I need a shadow box for a Mardi Gras mask!

    CINDY B on rafflecopter


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