Here's my version - (don't look at the crummy candle - I haven't bought new ones for these so I used an old one that I had on hand)
These are very quick and easy to make and if you buy the supplies from Hobby Lobby with a coupon or on sale they aren't too terribly expensive.
Here's what you need -
1 roll 21" red Deco Mesh (got mine from Hobby Lobby for 1/2 price - $5.00 - Takes a little more than 1/2 a roll to make one centerpiece)
1 foam disk - I used the 1 15/16" x 9 7/8" size so that it would be big enough for the glass hurricane
1 roll sheer red/gold ribbon - mine was wired which helped me arrange it to fill in the gaps
1 glass hurricane and candle
1 pine floral pick - mine came from Wal-Mart
1 box of Floral Greening Pins
Directions -
1. Cut one length of deco mesh the same width as your foam disk
2. Fold the length in two and pin to disk with 4 pins - one on each side
3. Cut the corners off the Deco Mesh to form a rough circle - this is just so that the green doesn't show through your glass hurricane.
4. Gather the edge of the roll of Deco Mesh and pin it to the side of the disk
5. Make 6 Poofs of Deco Mesh around the edge of the disk pinning evenly around the disk.
6. Start the next row of Poofs in the middle of one edge Poof on the top edge of the disk (does that even make sense to you? Let me know if it doesn't)
7. Continue making 6 Poofs pinning evenly around the top edge of the disk. You will end up with 2 rows of Deco Mesh with 6 Poofs each around the disk.
8. Add your floral pick and the glass hurricane and you are done!
It is really hard to tell how large these are, but they are about 2' in diameter. This was the first time that I've worked with Deco Mesh and the best thing about it is that you can easily mold it with your hands to achieve the shape you want.
Our First Crafty In Crosby Christmas post!
Now if I can just get my own house decorated!!! I promised Ty that we would decorate this coming weekend. So many houses in our neighborhood already have their lights up and I feel like a Slacker!!
How about you? Have you decorated already? Do you have it all done in a day or does it take you a while like it does me?

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