I just love black and white photos - how about you? Pinterest has so many great pictures of photo walls and decided I just had to have one. The back of our fireplace is in the stairwell and is a really funky shape and really needed something on it. You can see this wall as you walk in to our house and it really makes a statement.
I took old photos of my grandparents, parents, wedding photos, photos of the kids when they were little and current pictures and printed them in black and white. I use Snapfish to print all my photos and these photos might have cost $10 or so. Quite a few of the frames came from our local thrift store - CUIC (Churches United in Caring). These were all different colors and I sprayed them with glossy black spray paint.
The metal Family sign came from Hobby Lobby (of course!). The key came from the dollar bin at Michaels and the mirror came from CUIC. Let me know what you think!
Black & White photo wall - view from the entry way
Black & White photo wall - view from the landing |
Our Wedding photo in a thrift store frame |
Ty & Leigh's Prom Pictures and a great photo of Leigh |
Made this with scrapbook paper, felt heart and letters cut on the Cricut |

Nice photos, thanks for posting. If you want to have such black ang white wall, but you've done your pictures in color already, just use this tool https://macphun.com/tonality to make them black and white.